Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The forest between Mukam and Samrathal is a heaven for the wild life

It is a large area under direct protection of the Bishnois (The furious conservators I must admit). The diversity of both flora and fauna is immense due to natural food chains culminating into well balanced food web. The geography of the area provides habitat to a variety of animals and plants, some of rare status also. It is infact an undistrubed area by more than five centuries.

The resting peacock
Datura alba: A plant of medicinal importance

The desert between Mukam and Samrathal in another view

A Rohida tree (The state flower of Rajasthan) in full bloom. Samrathal Dhora is visible in the background

A side view of the village Mukam

The village Mukam is situated in Nokha Tehsil of the district Bikaner of Rajasthan. It is home to the moving sand dune with a typical desert climate and flora and fauna. It is the place where Samadhi of Bhagwan Shri Guru Jambheshwar is situated. Mukam ranks first as a place of worship for the Bishnois.
The Havan Ceremony in progress at the Main Temple Mukam
The Havan (Yajna) and the Pahal (Sacred water  prepared by chanting Bishnoi Shabad (Mantras) are two very crucial components of almost all the Bishnoi ceremonies. The Pahal is the same water which Bhagwan Shri Guru Jambheshwar offered to his followers in order to initiate them in Bishnoism

A young Bishnoi Monk offering Pahal to the Bishnois.
The sacred water is said to remove all your sins and impurities provided you swear to be clean in the future.

The copyrighted photoes are property of Santosh Punia
The Mukam Temple in its full glory on a Purnima (Full Moon night)